Top 10 Companies in Ivory Coast 2024

Ivory Coast, also known as Côte d’Ivoire, is one of West Africa’s most vibrant economies. The country’s business landscape is characterized by a mix of traditional industries and modern enterprises, driving economic growth and development. Here are the top 10 companies in Ivory Coast, showcasing their contributions to the nation’s economy:

1. Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage (SIR)

The Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage (SIR) is Ivory Coast’s national oil refinery. Established in 1962, SIR is one of the largest and most important industrial facilities in the country. It refines crude oil and produces a wide range of petroleum products, which are crucial for both domestic consumption and export. SIR’s operations play a key role in the energy sector and significantly contribute to the national economy.

The government of Ivory Coast currently owns 47.3% of the company, while Sonangol, the Angolan public company, owns 20%.

2. Cargill West Africa

Cargill, a global leader in food and agriculture, has a substantial presence in Ivory Coast. The company operates cocoa processing plants in the country, contributing to Ivory Coast’s position as the world’s largest cocoa producer. Cargill’s operations in the region support thousands of farmers through sustainability programs, improving livelihoods and ensuring the quality and traceability of cocoa beans.

With over 143,000 employees in 67 countries, Cargill works with farmers, customers, governments and communities to provide the world with quality food services. Active in Ivory Coast since 1997, Cargill employs over 470 people in Abidjan, Daloa, Gagnoa and San Pedro. 

3. Olam International

Olam International is another major player in Ivory Coast’s agricultural sector. The Singapore-based agri-business operates extensive cocoa and cashew processing facilities in the country. Olam is committed to sustainable farming practices and works closely with local farmers to enhance productivity and improve income. The company’s investment in infrastructure and community development initiatives further strengthens its impact on the Ivorian economy.

The group operates throughout the country, sourcing cocoa, coffee, cotton, cashew, and rubber directly from over 125,000 partner farm families, and via a vast network of local traders. Olam operates 30 offices, runs 8 large processing facilities and several primary processing operations and manages 175,000 square meters of committed warehousing spaces across the country.

4. SIFCA Group

The SIFCA Group is a leading agro-industrial company in West Africa, with operations spanning palm oil, rubber, and sugar production. Founded in 1964, SIFCA is headquartered in Abidjan and has grown into one of the largest private sector employers in Ivory Coast. The company’s integrated value chain, from plantations to processing and distribution, plays a pivotal role in the agricultural landscape of the region.

The Group has developed through ten subsidiaries (PALMCI, MARYLAND OIL PALM, SANIA, SENDISO, SUCRIVOIRE, SAPH, SIPH, GREL, CRC and RENL), some of which are listed on the Paris securities market, as well as the Abidjan stock-exchange (BRVM). It operates throughout the production chain – from planting to marketing – of palm oil, natural rubber and sugar

5. Banque Nationale d’Investissement (BNI)

The Banque Nationale d’Investissement (BNI) is a prominent financial institution in Ivory Coast. Established in 1959, BNI focuses on financing development projects and supporting the growth of local enterprises. The bank provides a wide range of banking services, including loans, investment products, and advisory services. BNI’s contributions are vital for the economic development and diversification of the Ivorian economy.

6. Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Electricité (CIE)

Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Electricité (CIE) is the primary electricity provider in Ivory Coast. The company is responsible for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity across the country. CIE plays a crucial role in ensuring reliable energy supply, which is essential for economic activities and improving the quality of life for Ivorian citizens. The company is also involved in various initiatives to expand access to electricity in rural areas.

7. MTN Côte d’Ivoire

MTN Côte d’Ivoire is a leading telecommunications company and a subsidiary of the South African multinational MTN Group. Since its establishment in 2005, MTN has become a key player in the Ivorian telecom market, providing mobile voice, data, and digital services to millions of customers. The company’s investment in network infrastructure and innovative services has significantly enhanced communication and connectivity in the country.

8. Nestlé Côte d’Ivoire

Nestlé Côte d’Ivoire, a subsidiary of the Swiss multinational food and beverage company, has a strong presence in the Ivorian market. The company produces a wide range of food products, including dairy, cereals, and beverages. Nestlé is committed to sustainable sourcing and local production, contributing to the development of the agricultural sector and ensuring the availability of high-quality, nutritious products for Ivorian consumers.

9. Lonaci

La Loterie Nationale de Côte d’Ivoire (Lonaci) is the national lottery company of Ivory Coast. Established in 1960, Lonaci operates various lottery and betting games, generating significant revenue for the state. The company is also involved in numerous social and community development projects, supporting education, health, and sports initiatives. Lonaci’s contributions extend beyond entertainment, playing a vital role in national development.

10. Société de Distribution de Toutes Marchandises (SDTM)

The Société de Distribution de Toutes Marchandises (SDTM) is a leading logistics and distribution company in Ivory Coast. SDTM specializes in the transportation and distribution of goods across the country and the West African region. The company’s efficient logistics network supports various industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, and retail, facilitating trade and commerce.


These top 10 companies in Ivory Coast exemplify the diversity and dynamism of the country’s economy. From energy and agriculture to finance and telecommunications, these enterprises drive economic growth, create jobs, and contribute to the overall development of Ivory Coast. Their success stories highlight the potential of the Ivorian market and the opportunities it offers for businesses and investors.