Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University: Nurturing Excellence in Morocco – Courses | Ranking

Founded in 1975, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University (USMBA) stands as a testament to Morocco’s commitment to higher education and cultural enrichment. Named after an 18th-century Sultan of Morocco, the university has become a hub for academic brilliance, cultural activities, and international collaborations.


USMBA is situated in the historic city of Fez, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the final destination on the renowned gold trading route from Timbuktu. The university’s dedication to academic excellence and community outreach has positioned it as a leading institution in the region.

History and Legacy:

Established in 1975, USMBA has grown to embody the spirit of knowledge and enlightenment. The university’s namesake, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, was a prominent figure in Moroccan history, and his legacy is honored through the pursuit of education at USMBA.

Cultural Enrichment:

USMBA goes beyond traditional academics, fostering a vibrant cultural atmosphere. The university hosts an annual Theatre Festival since 2005, showcasing artistic talent and promoting cultural exchange. Additionally, USMBA engages with the local community by organizing programs for the elderly, reflecting its commitment to societal well-being.

International Collaboration:

As an active participant in the Erasmus Mundus Al-Idrisi program, USMBA facilitates exchange programs with universities in Europe and North Africa. The university’s collaboration with the University of Rennes II in 2016 exemplifies its commitment to fostering international relationships for research and teaching endeavors.


While rankings provide a glimpse into the university’s standing, USMBA’s commitment to teaching, research, and international outlook is evident. The 2024 World University Rankings place USMBA in the range of 1001–1200 globally, with notable scores in teaching, research quality, and international outlook.

Key Statistics:

  • Proportion of ISR Publication: 40%
  • Student Ratio of Females to Males: 51:49
  • Percentage of International Students: 1%
  • Number of FTE Students: 95,994
  • No. of Students per Staff: 55.6

Faculties in USMBA

USMBA offers a diverse range of subjects across multiple disciplines, including but not limited to:

  • Engineering & Technology
  • Life Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Business & Economics
  • Physical Sciences
  • Arts & Humanities
  • Education
  • Law
  • Clinical, Pre-Clinical & Health
  • Computer Science

Future Endeavors:

As USMBA continues its journey, the university remains dedicated to academic excellence, cultural enrichment, and global collaboration. With a rich history and a commitment to shaping the future, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University stands as a beacon of knowledge and inspiration in Morocco.

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