Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline: Final Investment Decision Will Be Made in 2024

In an emphatic declaration underscoring the monumental strides in energy infrastructure, Mele Kyari, the distinguished Group Chief Executive Officer of the Nigeria National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), has electrified the global stage by affirming that the ultimate verdict on the $25 billion Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline (NMGP) project shall be pronounced with resounding clarity before the curtain falls on the year 2024. With unwavering determination and an unwavering commitment to progress, Kyari’s proclamation reverberated throughout the esteemed halls of the 2024 CERAWeek by S&P Global Holding, held in the dynamic metropolis of Houston, Texas, USA.

This grandiose venture, conceived in the fertile minds of visionaries back in the year 2016, stands as a titan among energy undertakings, poised to etch its indelible mark upon the annals of history. Spanning an awe-inspiring distance of 5,600 kilometers, the NMGP is set to ascend to the esteemed position of the world’s second-longest pipeline, trailing only the illustrious West-East Gas Pipeline that traverses the vast expanse of China.

The fervent anticipation surrounding the NMGP has been met with a crescendo of anticipation and excitement, as evidenced by the revelation from Nigeria’s esteemed Energy Minister Ekperikpe Ekpo, who declared in November of the preceding year that the groundwork for this epochal endeavor shall commence in the dawn of 2024. With its tentacles stretching across the breadth of thirteen sovereign African nations, the NMGP pledges to satiate the voracious appetite for energy of no less than 400 million souls nestled along the azure shores of the West African coastline.

But lo, the journey towards this summit of achievement has been arduous, fraught with challenges and obstacles that would daunt even the most intrepid of pioneers. Yet, undeterred by the tempestuous winds of uncertainty, the champions of progress persevered, with Morocco and Nigeria forging an unbreakable bond in December of 2021, as they pledged to finance the inception of a meticulous feasibility study, endorsed with fervor by the venerable Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The largesse of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), showered upon this noble cause in April of 2022, has served as the lifeblood coursing through the veins of the project, funding the critical juncture known as the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED).

The journey towards the precipice of this historic milestone has been illuminated by the guiding hand of Mele Kyari, who, in a report published by Bloomberg in the bygone days of October 2022, boldly proclaimed that the final investment decision, a monumental decision that shall shape the fate of nations, shall be rendered unto the world’s gaze in the unfolding tapestry of 2023.

Indeed, the NMGP stands not merely as a conduit for the flow of gas but as a beacon of hope, promising to ignite the flames of prosperity and vitality across the African continent. It is a testament to the unyielding spirit of human ingenuity and cooperation, a testament that resonates not only with the present but with the echoing corridors of posterity.

Thus, as the NMGP embarks on its odyssey, traversing continents and bridging cultures, it heralds a new dawn of progress, illuminating the path towards a future where boundaries dissolve and aspirations converge.

Energy transition

Furthermore, the GCEO passionately emphasized the profound and multifaceted challenge that the ongoing energy transition presents, particularly for nations situated within the dynamic landscape of sub-Saharan Africa. Within this context, he articulated the nuanced complexities stemming from their unique geographical circumstances, which intricately intertwine with the imperative to ensure uninterrupted energy access while concurrently navigating the transition towards sustainable energy sources.

With a fervent conviction, he underscored the pivotal role of energy availability as the cornerstone of energy security, elucidating that it serves as the bedrock upon which nations can build resilience and prosperity. “Recent geopolitical upheavals have starkly illuminated the criticality of securing our energy supplies,” he remarked, driving home the indispensable nature of this foundational prerequisite. “How can we discuss energy security when vast swaths of our population are bereft of even the most basic access to clean cooking fuels?” he posed rhetorically, highlighting the staggering reality that plagues many regions within sub-Saharan Africa.

Amidst fervent deliberations on the adoption of renewable energy sources to catalyze the transition, the GCEO fervently stressed the imperative of mobilizing substantial funding to actualize these ambitions. “We stand at a pivotal juncture where the decisions we make today will reverberate across generations,” he passionately declared, his words resonating with a sense of urgency and purpose. “The transition towards renewable energy holds immense promise, yet its fruition hinges upon the robust commitment of financial resources,” he cautioned, emphasizing the indispensable role of investment in shaping the trajectory of sustainable energy adoption.

Moreover, the GCEO deftly illuminated the global context within which Africa’s contribution to emissions must be contextualized, amplifying the imperative for concerted action on a global scale. “While Africa’s emissions may constitute a modest fraction of the global total, our responsibility transcends mere statistics,” he articulated, advocating for a paradigm shift towards collective accountability and collaboration. “Our actions, or lack thereof, reverberate far beyond our borders, underscoring the interconnectedness of our shared environmental stewardship,” he remarked, imbuing his discourse with a sense of global solidarity and interdependence.

In essence, the impassioned remarks of the GCEO encapsulated a call to action imbued with a sense of urgency, empathy, and unwavering commitment to charting a sustainable path forward amidst the formidable challenges of the energy transition.

About the Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline  

In the year 2017, a monumental agreement was forged by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Limited (NNPCL), marking the inception of an ambitious endeavor: the construction of an expansive pipeline measuring an impressive 48 inches in diameter and spanning a staggering distance of 5,300 kilometers. This colossal infrastructure project, set to extend from Nigeria to Dhakia, Morocco, represents a significant leap forward in the realm of energy transportation.

Forecasts predict that upon completion, this mammoth pipeline will serve as a vital conduit, facilitating the annual transportation of an estimated 30 billion cubic feet of gas. Such a monumental undertaking promises to alleviate energy shortages, stimulate economic growth, and foster regional cooperation and development across the territories it traverses.

The proposed pipeline route traverses a multitude of sovereign nations, each poised to benefit from this transformative initiative. Beginning its journey in Nigeria, it will pass through the Republic of Benin, Togo, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia, Senegal, and Mauritania before reaching its final destination in the vibrant city of Dhakia, Morocco. Moreover, there are ambitious plans to extend a branch of the pipeline to the European continent, reaching as far as Spain.

Beyond its sheer scale and logistical complexity, this pipeline project represents a beacon of hope for the participating nations, heralding an era of enhanced energy security, economic prosperity, and strengthened diplomatic ties. As construction progresses, it is poised to create numerous employment opportunities, foster technological innovation, and catalyze infrastructure development along its extensive route.

Indeed, the agreement to construct this monumental pipeline stands as a testament to the collective vision and determination of the nations involved, showcasing the transformative power of international collaboration in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions and shared prosperity.