Learn How to make one of Eastern Nigeria Finest Soup – Ofe Ora (Oha Soup), Ofe Anala (Anala Soup) and Onugbu Soup

Ofe Ora, also known as Ora Soup, is a traditional soup from the Igbo people of Nigeria, specifically from the Owerri region. The soup is named after its key ingredient, Ora leaves, which are also known as Oha leaves. Ora Soup is characterized by its distinctive flavor, which comes from a combination of Ora leaves, assorted meats, and a special seasoning known as Oha seasoning. Here’s a basic recipe for making Ofe Ora:


  • 2 cups Ora leaves, shredded
  • 1 cup cocoyam or yam, peeled and pounded (used as a thickener)
  • Assorted meats (beef, goat meat, tripe, etc.), cut into bite-sized pieces
  • Stockfish and/or dried fish (optional)
  • 1 cup palm oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2-3 tablespoons ground crayfish
  • 2-3 tablespoons ground pepper (adjust to taste)
  • Oha seasoning (usually contains ogiri or iru – locust beans)
  • 2-3 stock cubes (seasoning cubes)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Prepare Ora Leaves:
  • Wash the Ora leaves thoroughly and shred them into thin strips. Set aside.
  1. Prepare Cocoyam or Yam Thickener:
  • Peel and pound the cocoyam or yam. Place the pounded cocoyam/yam in a bowl and add a little water to form a smooth paste.
  1. Cook the Meat:
  • In a pot, cook the assorted meat with chopped onions, stock cubes, and salt. If using stockfish and/or dried fish, add them to the pot as well. Add enough water to cover the meat and let it simmer until the meat is tender.
  1. Add Palm Oil:
  • Add the palm oil to the pot. Stir well to combine with the cooking meat.
  1. Add Ground Crayfish and Pepper:
  • Add ground crayfish and ground pepper to the pot. Stir and let it simmer for a few minutes.
  1. Add Oha Seasoning:
  • Add the Oha seasoning to the pot. This seasoning often contains ogiri or iru (locust beans), which contributes to the unique flavor of the soup.
  1. Add the Thickener:
  • Gradually add the cocoyam or yam paste to the pot while stirring continuously to avoid lumps. This will help thicken the soup.
  1. Add Ora Leaves:
  • Add the shredded Ora leaves to the pot. Stir well to combine with the other ingredients.
  1. Season and Simmer:
  • Season the soup with salt and additional stock cubes if needed. Allow the soup to simmer for about 10-15 minutes, ensuring that the Ora leaves are well cooked.
  1. Serve:
    • Ofe Ora is traditionally served hot and is often paired with fufu or any other starchy side.

Ofe Ora is a flavorful and aromatic soup that reflects the rich culinary traditions of the Igbo people. Adjust the ingredients and quantities based on your preferences.

Ofe Ora, also known as Ora Soup, is a traditional soup from the Igbo people of Nigeria, specifically from the Owerri region. The soup is named after its key ingredient, Ora leaves, which are also known as Oha leaves. Ora Soup is characterized by its distinctive flavor, which comes from a combination of Ora leaves, assorted meats, and a special seasoning known as Oha seasoning. Here’s a basic recipe for making Ofe Ora:


  • 2 cups Ora leaves, shredded
  • 1 cup cocoyam or yam, peeled and pounded (used as a thickener)
  • Assorted meats (beef, goat meat, tripe, etc.), cut into bite-sized pieces
  • Stockfish and/or dried fish (optional)
  • 1 cup palm oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2-3 tablespoons ground crayfish
  • 2-3 tablespoons ground pepper (adjust to taste)
  • Oha seasoning (usually contains ogiri or iru – locust beans)
  • 2-3 stock cubes (seasoning cubes)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Prepare Ora Leaves:
  • Wash the Ora leaves thoroughly and shred them into thin strips. Set aside.
  1. Prepare Cocoyam or Yam Thickener:
  • Peel and pound the cocoyam or yam. Place the pounded cocoyam/yam in a bowl and add a little water to form a smooth paste.
  1. Cook the Meat:
  • In a pot, cook the assorted meat with chopped onions, stock cubes, and salt. If using stockfish and/or dried fish, add them to the pot as well. Add enough water to cover the meat and let it simmer until the meat is tender.
  1. Add Palm Oil:
  • Add the palm oil to the pot. Stir well to combine with the cooking meat.
  1. Add Ground Crayfish and Pepper:
  • Add ground crayfish and ground pepper to the pot. Stir and let it simmer for a few minutes.
  1. Add Oha Seasoning:
  • Add the Oha seasoning to the pot. This seasoning often contains ogiri or iru (locust beans), which contributes to the unique flavor of the soup.
  1. Add the Thickener:
  • Gradually add the cocoyam or yam paste to the pot while stirring continuously to avoid lumps. This will help thicken the soup.
  1. Add Ora Leaves:
  • Add the shredded Ora leaves to the pot. Stir well to combine with the other ingredients.
  1. Season and Simmer:
  • Season the soup with salt and additional stock cubes if needed. Allow the soup to simmer for about 10-15 minutes, ensuring that the Ora leaves are well cooked.
  1. Serve:
    • Ofe Ora is traditionally served hot and is often paired with fufu or any other starchy side.

Ofe Ora is a flavorful and aromatic soup that reflects the rich culinary traditions of the Igbo people. Adjust the ingredients and quantities based on your preferences.

Learn how to Make one of Igbo Nigeria Finest Soup – Ofe Anala (Anala Soup)

Ofe Anala, also known as Anala Soup or Ofe Ukpom, is a traditional Igbo soup from Nigeria. It is known for its rich and flavorful taste, often made with a combination of assorted meats, seafood, and local spices. Here’s a basic recipe for making Ofe Anala:


  • Assorted meats (beef, goat meat, tripe, cow foot, etc.), cut into bite-sized pieces
  • Stockfish and/or dried fish (optional)
  • 1 cup periwinkle (optional)
  • 2 cups uziza leaves or 1 tablespoon ground uziza seeds
  • 2 cups utazi leaves, shredded
  • 1-2 tablespoons ground crayfish
  • 2-3 tablespoons ground pepper (adjust to taste)
  • 2-3 stock cubes (seasoning cubes)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 cup palm oil
  • Cocoyam or yam, peeled and pounded (used as a thickener)


  1. Prepare Cocoyam or Yam Thickener:
  • Peel and pound the cocoyam or yam. Place the pounded cocoyam/yam in a bowl and add a little water to form a smooth paste.
  1. Cook the Meat:
  • In a pot, cook the assorted meat with chopped onions, stock cubes, and salt. If using stockfish and/or dried fish, add them to the pot as well. Add enough water to cover the meat and let it simmer until the meat is tender.
  1. Add Palm Oil:
  • Add the palm oil to the pot. Stir well to combine with the cooking meat.
  1. Add Ground Crayfish and Pepper:
  • Add ground crayfish and ground pepper to the pot. Stir and let it simmer for a few minutes.
  1. Add Periwinkle (optional):
  • If using periwinkle, add them to the pot. Stir to combine.
  1. Add the Thickener:
  • Gradually add the cocoyam or yam paste to the pot while stirring continuously to avoid lumps. This will help thicken the soup.
  1. Season and Simmer:
  • Season the soup with additional stock cubes if needed. Allow the soup to simmer for about 10-15 minutes.
  1. Add Uziza Leaves or Seeds:
  • If using uziza leaves, add them to the pot. If using uziza seeds, add them now. Stir well to combine.
  1. Add Utazi Leaves:
  • Add the shredded utazi leaves to the pot. Stir well to combine.
  1. Check for Seasoning:
    • Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning, adding more salt or pepper if necessary.
  2. Simmer Until Vegetables Are Cooked:
    • Let the soup simmer until all the ingredients are well-cooked and the flavors meld together.
  3. Serve:
    • Ofe Anala is traditionally served hot and is often paired with fufu or any other starchy side.

Feel free to adjust the ingredients and quantities based on your preferences. Ofe Anala is a flavorful and aromatic soup that showcases the richness of Igbo cuisine.

Explore one of Nigerian Eastern Soup Delicacy – Onugbu Soup

Onugbu Soup, also known as Bitter-leaf Soup, is a popular Nigerian dish, particularly among the Igbo people. The name “Onugbu” refers to the bitter leaf, which is a key ingredient in this soup. Despite its name, the bitterness of the leaves is often moderated during the cooking process. Onugbu Soup is known for its rich flavor and is usually enjoyed with fufu or other starchy sides. Here’s a basic recipe for making Onugbu Soup:


  • 2 cups washed bitter leaves (you can find pre-washed leaves or wash them thoroughly to reduce bitterness)
  • 2 cups cocoyam or yam, peeled and grated (used as a thickener)
  • 1 pound assorted meat (beef, goat meat, tripe, etc.), cut into bite-sized pieces
  • Stockfish and/or dried fish (optional)
  • 1 cup palm oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2-3 tablespoons ground crayfish
  • 2-3 tablespoons ground pepper (adjust to taste)
  • 2-3 stock cubes (seasoning cubes)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Prepare Bitter Leaves:
  • Wash the bitter leaves thoroughly in several changes of water to reduce bitterness. Drain and set aside.
  1. Prepare Cocoyam or Yam Thickener:
  • Peel and grate the cocoyam or yam. Place the grated cocoyam/yam in a bowl and add a little water to form a smooth paste.
  1. Cook the Meat:
  • In a pot, cook the assorted meat with chopped onions, stock cubes, and salt. If using stockfish and/or dried fish, add them to the pot as well. Add enough water to cover the meat and let it simmer until the meat is tender.
  1. Add Palm Oil:
  • Add the palm oil to the pot. Stir well to combine with the cooking meat.
  1. Add Ground Crayfish and Pepper:
  • Add ground crayfish and ground pepper to the pot. Stir and let it simmer for a few minutes.
  1. Add the Thickener:
  • Gradually add the cocoyam or yam paste to the pot while stirring continuously to avoid lumps. This will help thicken the soup.
  1. Add Bitter Leaves:
  • Add the washed bitter leaves to the pot. Stir well to combine with the other ingredients.
  1. Season and Simmer:
  • Season the soup with salt and additional stock cubes if needed. Allow the soup to simmer for about 10-15 minutes, ensuring that the bitter leaves are well cooked.
  1. Adjust Consistency:
  • If the soup is too thick, you can add more water to achieve your desired consistency.
  1. Serve:
    • Onugbu Soup is traditionally served hot and is often paired with fufu or any other starchy side.

Feel free to customize this recipe based on your preferences. Onugbu Soup is not only delicious but also nutritious, and it’s a staple in Nigerian cuisine.

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