Learn How to Make Ghanian Famous Street Food Snack Kofi Brokeman and Plantain Chips Recipe: The Proper Ghanian Way

Kofi Brokeman, also known simply as “Brokeman,” is a popular Ghanaian street food snack. It’s a type of roasted plantain often enjoyed with groundnuts (peanuts) or coconut. The name “Kofi Brokeman” is a combination of the Akan name “Kofi,” which is commonly used for boys born on a Friday, and “Brokeman,” which is a term associated with street food vendors.

The combination of roasted plantain and groundnuts in this Ghanaian snack creates a delicious and flavorful experience. The blend of the sweet, caramelized plantains and the nutty richness of groundnuts is a classic and beloved combination.

The simplicity of this snack, coupled with its popularity in Ghana and other African countries, highlights the appeal of using locally available ingredients to create tasty and satisfying treats. Roasted plantains and groundnuts not only offer a delightful taste but also bring a cultural and nostalgic element to those who enjoy this staple.

Whether enjoyed as a quick street food snack or prepared at home, this Ghanaian delight showcases the beauty of simple, yet delicious, culinary combinations. It’s always wonderful to explore and celebrate the diverse and flavorful offerings that different cultures bring to the world of cuisine.

Here’s a simple guide on how Kofi Brokeman is typically prepared:

Kofi Brokeman Recipe:


  • Ripe plantains
  • Groundnuts (peanuts) or coconut (grated or sliced)
  • Sugar (optional)


  1. Prepare Plantains:
  • Choose ripe plantains. Peel the plantains and cut them into manageable-sized pieces.
  1. Skewer Plantains:
  • Skewer the plantain pieces onto sticks or wooden skewers. This makes them easier to handle during roasting.
  1. Roast Plantains:
  • Roast the plantains over an open flame or on a barbecue grill. Rotate them to ensure even cooking and a golden-brown color on all sides.
  1. Add Toppings:
  • While the plantains are roasting, you can add groundnuts or grated/sliced coconut to the mix. Some people also sprinkle sugar on the plantains for added sweetness.
  1. Serve Warm:
  • Once the plantains are fully roasted and have a nice char, remove them from the heat. Serve them warm.
  1. Optional: Sugar Coating
  • If you’ve opted for sugar, you can roll the roasted plantains in sugar after they come off the heat, creating a sweet and slightly crunchy coating.

Kofi Brokeman is not only a delicious street food snack but also a cultural icon in Ghana, often associated with the bustling street food scene. It’s a popular treat enjoyed by people of all ages, and the combination of the caramelized plantains with groundnuts or coconut creates a delightful flavor profile.

Feel free to adjust the toppings and seasonings based on your preferences. Enjoy your Kofi Brokeman!

Ghanaian Plantain Chips

Ghanaian Plantain Chips are a popular and delicious snack made from thinly sliced plantains that are deep-fried until crispy. These chips are commonly enjoyed as a crunchy and flavorful treat and are often available as street food or packaged snacks. Here’s a simple recipe for making Ghanaian Plantain Chips at home:

Ghanaian Plantain Chips Recipe:


  • Green plantains (firm and unripe)
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt to taste


  1. Peel the Plantains:
  • Start with firm and unripe green plantains. Using a knife, cut off the ends of the plantains and make a shallow slit along the length of each plantain. Carefully peel off the skin.
  1. Slice the Plantains:
  • With a mandoline slicer or a sharp knife, thinly slice the plantains into uniform chips. Aim for thicknesses of about 1/16 to 1/8 inch.
  1. Soak in Salted Water (Optional):
  • Some recipes recommend soaking the plantain slices in salted water for a short period to enhance the flavor. If you choose to do this, soak the slices in water with a pinch of salt for about 10 minutes, then drain and pat them dry.
  1. Heat the Oil:
  • In a deep fryer or a heavy-bottomed pan, heat vegetable oil to around 350°F (175°C). Make sure there’s enough oil for deep frying.
  1. Fry the Plantain Slices:
  • Carefully add the plantain slices to the hot oil in batches. Fry until they become golden brown and crispy. Stir occasionally to ensure even frying.
  1. Remove and Drain:
  • Once the plantain chips are golden and crispy, use a slotted spoon to remove them from the oil. Place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.
  1. Season with Salt:
  • While the chips are still hot, sprinkle them with salt according to your taste preferences. Toss or gently shake the plate to distribute the salt evenly.
  1. Cool and Enjoy:
  • Allow the plantain chips to cool completely before serving. Once cooled, they will become even crispier.


  • It’s essential to use green, unripe plantains for the best results, as ripe plantains are too sweet and won’t achieve the desired crispiness.
  • Be cautious when working with hot oil to avoid burns or accidents.
  • Experiment with additional seasonings like chili powder or paprika for a spicy kick.

Ghanaian Plantain Chips are not only a delightful snack on their own but also a versatile accompaniment to various dips or salsas. Enjoy the crispy goodness!

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