Exploring Ghana National Parks : A Natural Jewel in Ghana’s Heart

In the heart of Ghana, Kakum National Park stands as a testament to the country’s commitment to preserving its rich biodiversity and offering visitors a unique and immersive experience in the heart of nature. In this article, we’ll explore the wonders of Kakum National Park, from its lush rainforest canopy walkway to its diverse wildlife and cultural significance.

Discovering Kakum National Park:

Established in 1992, Kakum National Park is situated in the Central Region of Ghana, covering an area of about 375 square kilometers. The park is renowned for its exceptional biodiversity, encompassing a variety of flora and fauna, making it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

Canopy Walkway: A Treetop Adventure:

One of the highlights of Kakum National Park is its world-famous Canopy Walkway. Suspended high above the ground, the walkway offers visitors a thrilling treetop experience, providing panoramic views of the surrounding rainforest. The walkway consists of a series of interconnected bridges and platforms, allowing guests to traverse the forest canopy and witness the diverse plant and animal life that call Kakum home.

Biodiversity and Wildlife:

Kakum National Park is a haven for biodiversity, boasting a wide array of plant and animal species. The rainforest is home to over 400 bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. Visitors may also encounter various mammal species, including forest elephants, forest buffalo, and several primate species such as the endangered Diana monkey and the striking colobus monkey.

Cultural Significance:

Beyond its natural wonders, Kakum National Park holds cultural significance. The park is situated in an area that was once inhabited by the ‘Efutu’ people. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about the rich cultural heritage of the region, gaining insights into traditional practices and the historical connection between the local communities and the forest.

Visitor Information:

  • Guided Tours: To make the most of your visit, consider taking a guided tour led by knowledgeable park guides. They provide valuable insights into the park’s ecology, wildlife, and cultural heritage.
  • Visitor Center: Kakum National Park features a visitor center equipped with information about the park’s flora and fauna. Educational exhibits enhance the overall experience, allowing guests to deepen their understanding of the rainforest ecosystem.
  • Visitor Code of Conduct: To preserve the park’s natural beauty, visitors are encouraged to adhere to the code of conduct, which includes guidelines on waste disposal and maintaining a respectful distance from wildlife.

Getting to Kakum National Park:

Kakum National Park is easily accessible from major cities in Ghana. The park is approximately 20 kilometers north of Cape Coast, a popular tourist destination. Visitors can reach Kakum by car or public transportation, making it a convenient stop for those exploring the cultural and historical attractions of the region.

Preserving Nature for Future Generations:

Kakum National Park plays a crucial role in the conservation of Ghana’s natural heritage. The park’s management focuses on sustainable practices and community involvement to ensure the long-term protection of its diverse ecosystems.


Kakum National Park invites visitors to embark on a journey through the heart of Ghana’s natural wonders. From the breathtaking canopy walkway to the rich biodiversity that thrives within its borders, Kakum stands as a testament to the importance of preserving our planet’s precious ecosystems for future generations to enjoy and cherish.

Mole National Park: A Safari Adventure in Ghana

Situated in the northern part of Ghana, Mole National Park stands as the country’s largest and most renowned wildlife conservation area. Spanning over 4,500 square kilometers, this national park offers a unique safari experience, allowing visitors to witness a diverse range of wildlife in their natural habitat. In this article, we’ll explore the wonders of Mole National Park and what makes it a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Breathtaking Landscape:

Mole National Park boasts a varied landscape that includes savannahs, grasslands, and dense forests. The park is characterized by undulating hills, rocky outcrops, and the meandering Mole River, creating a picturesque backdrop for wildlife encounters. The diverse terrain contributes to the park’s rich biodiversity, providing habitats for a wide array of species.

Wildlife Diversity:

One of the primary attractions of Mole National Park is its impressive array of wildlife. The park is home to over 90 mammal species, making it a haven for safari adventures. Visitors have the opportunity to spot elephants, buffalos, waterbucks, warthogs, and various species of antelope. Predators such as lions and leopards also inhabit the park, though they are more elusive.

Birdwatcher’s Paradise:

For bird enthusiasts, Mole National Park offers an incredible birdwatching experience. The park is home to over 300 bird species, including vultures, eagles, hornbills, and various migratory birds. The diverse habitats within the park provide ideal conditions for birdlife, making it a paradise for ornithologists and birdwatchers.

Safari Activities:

Mole National Park provides a range of safari activities to explore its wildlife and natural beauty:

  1. Game Drives: Guided game drives are the most popular way to explore the park. Knowledgeable guides lead visitors through designated routes, increasing the chances of spotting diverse wildlife.
  2. Walking Safaris: For a more immersive experience, walking safaris are available, allowing visitors to explore the park on foot. This provides a unique perspective on the flora and fauna, with the guidance of experienced rangers.
  3. Night Safaris: Mole National Park offers night safaris for a chance to witness nocturnal wildlife activity. This includes encounters with hyenas, genets, and other creatures that become active after dark.


The park features accommodation options within its boundaries. Mole Motel is a popular choice, offering comfortable rooms and a terrace that overlooks a watering hole where animals gather, providing a natural spectacle for guests.

Getting There:

Mole National Park is accessible by road, and the nearest town is Damongo. The park is approximately a 10-hour drive from Accra, the capital of Ghana. Visitors can also opt for domestic flights to airstrips near the park.

Conservation Efforts:

Mole National Park plays a crucial role in the conservation of Ghana’s wildlife. Conservation initiatives focus on protecting endangered species, preserving habitats, and promoting sustainable tourism practices to ensure the park’s ecological integrity.


Mole National Park offers a captivating blend of wildlife, landscapes, and adventure. Whether you’re on a thrilling safari, birdwatching expedition, or a peaceful nature walk, the park provides an immersive experience in the heart of Ghana’s natural treasures.

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