Explore the International University of Rabat: A Global Hub for Excellence in Morocco

Established in 2010 in the vibrant capital city of Rabat, the International University of Rabat (IUR) is a beacon of modern education in Morocco. With a commitment to international collaboration and a diverse range of academic programs, IUR stands at the forefront of fostering global citizens.


Founded in 2010, the International University of Rabat has swiftly become a distinguished institution in Morocco. Situated in Rabat, the capital city known for its historical significance, the university is dedicated to providing a global perspective to its students.

Global Collaborations:

IUR takes pride in offering dual degrees in collaboration with esteemed universities worldwide. This unique approach allows students to broaden their horizons by completing part of their degree at partner institutions. This global exposure is designed to enhance the educational experience and cultural understanding of students.

Academic Diversity:

The university comprises nine schools, each offering specialized programs. From business, sciences, law, and engineering to dental medicine, architecture, and languages, cultures, and civilizations, IUR provides a comprehensive range of academic disciplines. This diversity ensures that students can pursue their passions and interests across various fields.

Student Life:

IUR encourages a vibrant campus life with numerous student clubs and associations. Whether it’s autoclub, dance, young lawyers, or choir, students have the opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities that complement their academic journey. The university promotes both team sports like soccer, basketball, and volleyball, as well as individual sports like tennis, archery, and badminton.

Rankings and Recognition:

While specific rankings for 2024 are labeled as “Reporter,” the commitment to maintaining and enhancing the quality of education is evident. IUR’s focus on research, industry collaboration, and international outlook contributes to its standing in the academic landscape.

International Students:

With a commendable 4% international student population, IUR reflects its commitment to diversity and creating a globally inclusive environment. The university’s international community adds a valuable dimension to the overall learning experience.

Key Statistics:

  • International Students: 4%
  • Student Ratio (Females to Males): 53:47
  • Students per Staff: 31.3
  • Proportion of ISR Publication: 44%

Future Prospects:

As IUR continues to grow, it aspires to strengthen its position as a global education hub. The emphasis on partnerships, sustainability, and innovation underscores the university’s commitment to shaping future leaders with a broad understanding of the world.

High school graduates, that wish to pursue higher education as freshmen at the International University of Rabat… can follow this steps:


 Before starting your online application,  you must have :

  • A valid and up-to-date e-mail address
  • Your junior year transcripts and your latest senior year transcripts.
  • Your transcripts relating to the common core of your high school degree (equivalent: sophomore year).

The various steps of the application process are described in detail in the Applicant’s Guide, available below:

Learn more

Below is a brief summary:

  • Applications to UIR programs must be submitted through the website via the following link:  :Application
  • Access to UIR education.
    • Step 1: Pre-application on the UIR website : 
    • Step 2: Preparation of the online application form
    • Step 3: Invitation
    • Step 4: Qualifying + admission tests for the programs: Business School and Automotive and Aerospace Engineering        
    • Admission tests for the rest of the programs
    • Step 5: Admission
    • For more information about the exams, send your questions at: contact@uir.ac.ma


The International University of Rabat, with its commitment to global education, collaboration, and diverse academic offerings, stands as a testament to Morocco’s dedication to providing a world-class education. As it forges ahead, IUR remains poised to make significant contributions to the international academic community.

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