EuroMed University of Fez: Overview, Courses, Rankings and application

Located in the vibrant landscape of Morocco, the EuroMed University of Fez stands as a beacon of educational excellence and sustainable development. Recognized by the Moroccan State as a non-profit institution, the university is dedicated to providing a diverse range of programs, fostering partnerships for global goals, and creating an eco-friendly campus environment.


The EuroMed University of Fez, established as a non-profit university, holds recognition from the Moroccan State. With a commitment to academic excellence, sustainability, and cultural enrichment, the university houses nine schools and faculties offering a total of 37 programs, ranging from undergraduate to doctorate levels.

Academic Programs:

The university’s academic landscape is rich and varied. Undergraduate students can explore programs in engineering, architecture, humanities, social sciences, biomedicine, and biotechnology. The curriculum includes cutting-edge courses such as robotics, telecommunications, land use planning, and biotechnology.

For graduate studies, the university offers 25 programs at master’s, engineer, and architect levels. These encompass fields like architecture, electrical engineering, artificial intelligence, and business and financial law. Two doctoral post-graduate programs are available: a PhD in human and social sciences and doctoral programs in human and social sciences.

Campus Life and Sustainability:

Beyond academics, the EuroMed University of Fez encourages student engagement through various clubs, including photography, chess, art, taekwondo, and theatre. The university’s commitment to sustainable development is reflected in its eco-campus, emphasizing green spaces, renewable energy, and overall well-being. The campus features a zone for technology transfer, start-up creation, and a cluster of innovative companies.

Cultural and Historical Context:

Situated in Fez, a city boasting a cultural and historical legacy spanning over 12 centuries, students at EuroMed University have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a city with deep roots. Fez is home to one of the oldest universities globally, La Quaraouiyne, adding a historical dimension to the educational experience.

Rankings and Impact:

In the Impact Rankings for Partnerships for the goals (2023), EuroMed University of Fez holds a position within the range of 401–600. This underlines the institution’s commitment to making a positive impact in areas such as peace, justice, strong institutions, climate action, responsible consumption and production, sustainable cities and communities, reducing inequalities, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, decent work and economic growth, and affordable and clean energy.

1st Academic Year: 

  1. To hold the baccalaureate 
  2. Application file review (Pre-selection) 
  3. Competition and/or Interview 

Parallel admission (2nd year and above): 

  1. Application file review (Pre-selection) 
  2. Interview 


  1. Application file review (Pre-selection) 
  2. Interview 

Registrations open since January of each year

File and form to be mandatory completed online 

Future Initiatives:

As the EuroMed University of Fez continues its journey of academic and sustainable excellence, it aims to further contribute to global goals through innovative programs, impactful research, and a nurturing learning environment. The university stands poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of future leaders while instilling a strong sense of responsibility towards the planet and society.

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