Learn how to make “Eko” or “Agidi” and Cashew Nut Soup.

“Eko” or “Agidi” is a Nigerian dish made from fermented cornstarch. It has a firm, smooth texture and is often served as a side dish or eaten on its own. Here’s a simple recipe for making Nigerian Eko or Agidi:

Nigerian Eko (Agidi) Recipe:


  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • Water
  • Salt to taste
  • Banana or Plantain leaves for wrapping (optional)


  1. Mixing the Cornstarch:
  • In a bowl, mix the cornstarch with a small amount of water to form a smooth paste. The consistency should be thick but pourable.
  1. Boiling Water:
  • Boil a pot of water on the stove.
  1. Cooking the Cornstarch:
  • Gradually add the cornstarch paste to the boiling water, stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
  • Keep stirring and cooking over low to medium heat until the mixture thickens and becomes glossy.
  1. Seasoning:
  • Add salt to taste and continue stirring to ensure even seasoning.
  1. Pouring into Molds:
  • Grease small containers or molds with a bit of oil to prevent sticking.
  • Pour the thickened cornstarch mixture into the molds.
  1. Cooling and Setting:
  • Allow the Eko to cool and set. It will solidify as it cools.
  1. Unmolding (Optional):
  • Once the Eko has cooled and set, you can unmold it for a smooth, round shape. Alternatively, you can leave it in the molds and serve.
  1. Wrapping (Optional):
  • Some people prefer to wrap Eko in banana or plantain leaves for added flavor. This step is optional.
  1. Serving:
  • Slice the Eko into portions and serve on its own or as a side dish.


  • Consistency: Adjust the consistency of the cornstarch paste as needed. It should be thick enough to set but still pourable.
  • Stirring: Continuous stirring is essential to prevent lumps and ensure a smooth texture.
  • Flavor: Eko is relatively neutral in flavor, so it pairs well with a variety of Nigerian stews, sauces, or soups.

This basic Eko recipe provides a foundation, but variations may exist across regions and individual preferences. Feel free to experiment with different seasonings or incorporate additional ingredients for a unique twist.

Cashew Nut Soup Recipe:


  • 1/2 cup salted roasted Cashew nuts
  • 6-8 pieces Goat meat
  • 1 medium-sized smoked Catfish
  • 8-10 pieces smoked Prawns
  • 1 tablespoon ground Crayfish
  • 1 cup washed Bitter leaf, chopped into large chunks
  • 1/2 medium-sized Onion
  • Scotch Bonnet Pepper to taste
  • 2-3 cooking spoons Palm Oil
  • Seasoning cubes to taste
  • Salt to taste


  1. Marinate and Cook the Meat:
    • Season the goat meat with onion, pepper, and seasoning cubes. Allow to marinate for about 20 minutes.
    • Steam the meat in its juices until dry. Add more water and continue cooking until the meat is soft.
  2. Prepare Cashew Nut Powder:
    • Blend the roasted cashew nuts into a powder.
  3. Prepare Bitter Leaf:
    • Wash the bitter leaf to the desired taste and chop it into large chunks.
  4. Cook the Soup:
    • Once the meat is cooked, add smoked catfish, smoked prawns, ground crayfish, more water, and bring to a boil until the fish is soft.
    • Adjust seasoning and add palm oil. Boil for about 5 minutes.
  5. Add Bitter Leaf:
    • Add the washed bitter leaf and cook for 1 minute.
  6. Add Cashew Nut Powder:
    • Sprinkle the cashew nut powder into the soup and stir well to mix. Allow it to cook until the soup thickens.
  7. Adjust Consistency:
    • Allow the soup to cook for a little while to see if it thickens to your desired consistency. If needed, you can add more cashew nut powder, but it’s essential to let it cook before adding more.
  8. Serve:
    • Serve the Cashew Nut Soup with pounded yam or your preferred side.

This recipe provides a unique twist to traditional Nigerian soups, incorporating the rich and creamy texture of cashew nuts. Enjoy your Cashew Nut Soup with pounded yam for a delightful meal!

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